Welcome to Tokyo!

Have you decided on a plan for sightseeing in Tokyo?
If you haven't done so already, I recommend visiting sightseeing spots by car. Car rental is also an option if you are confident in driving.
However, if you are sightseeing, why not enjoy the cityscape without holding the steering wheel?
Keep your intellectual curiosity and leave the driving to a professional driver who is familiar with the geography of Tokyo.

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mobile phone:090-4938-2138
Guide fee : 50,000 yen / day (10:00-17:00)

Privately owned taxi driver
I am a taxi driver, and it is also an owner driver and an interpreter tourist guide(English).
These are licensed by Japanese goverment and are officially registered in Tokyo.
If you want to experience the essence of
" Wabi-Sabi / 侘びと寂 ", the soul of Japan, a taste of the simple, quiet and deeply polite, you should definitely take my taxi.

Note : Taxi hourly contract fee will be charged separately

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What about tourist information?

If you are accompanied by a tourist guide in your country's language other than Japanese, your trip will be many times more enjoyable.
However, some ingenuity is required to prepare all of these.
Currently, according to Japanese law, if you are a foreigner and want to hire an interpreter guide temporarily, they need a national license or registration in Tokyo. In addition to this, you are required to walk or use public transportation such as buses and trains or business licensed taxis and hire vehicles.
As a result, you will have to order the interpreter guide and taxi separately. It costs money and effort.

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Tokyo Excursion Driver in English

Designated Zone Guide (Tokyo Sightseeing Guide by English), it was officially registered in Tokyo in March 2017.
In Japan, anyone who uses a car to guide a tourist for a fee requires a license for a commercial vehicle. On the other hand, even if the driver who belongs to the taxi company has a license as an interpreter guide, the vehicle used is owned by the company, and the driver who is an employee cannot use it as he / she wants.
According to the list of registrants below, there are only 6 private taxi drivers. As an interpreter guide, I can assist you with your journey by using the taxi vehicle that I own.
This is a big difference from corporate taxi driver, interpreter tourist guide.

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Highest certification of historical and cultural knowledge about Shinto,
神 道 / The Kami Way.

Shinto is the national indigenous religion of Japan, originated spontaneously in ancient times, no founder, no scripture and no dogma but based on ancestor worship.
The Japanese have worshiped many things in nature. They have thought that they are a part of nature and that they must value harmony with nature rather than as objects of control. It is based on an awe-inspiring belief in something beyond the power of human beings. And it is a concept born from the long history of Japanese nature and rice cultivation.
Its worship of nature is the basis of most Japanese traditional rituals even today.
I am not a religious leader. Although I am an average ordinary person, I would like to introduce mysterious Japan with these knowledge that is common sense as a Japanese and an appropriate understanding of history.

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In rare cases, there are taxi drivers who are licensed as interpreter guides.
Most of them are employees of taxi companies, but more rarely, there are six privately owned taxi drivers in Tokyo as of April 2024 who are licensed as interpreter guides.
There are various sightseeing courses centered around Tokyo, such as buses and taxis that have obtained a business license, but all of them have been approved by delivering the contents and fees to the government. In some cases, the degrees of freedom are limited.
However, if you have a contract with a privately owned taxi, you will be able to respond more flexibly than the former. In addition, the charges will be cheaper.

Which choice would you make?

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for more information of activities

As a citizen of Tokyo, I am aiming to express my daily life and the state of the city in a fun and easy-to-understand manner.

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